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Before we can provide you with an online quote, we need to ask a few questions about your operations, production and your insurance history:
If you have had more than $10,000 in claims paid in the past three years, we will not be able to process your application online. Please contact our office and we would be happy to discuss options for placing coverage. You must disclose all prior Owned or Rented Equipment related losses that were indemnified by an insurance company. It is your responsibility to acknowledge these claim payments. Failure to do so would be grounds for denying any coverage. If you purchase or renew online without disclosing your loss history, the Insurer will flat cancel your policy effective inception and you will be required to acknowledge this cancellation on all future insurance applications, which may increase your premium or deny you coverage. If you are cancelled under this program as described, note that Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. will not provide alternative terms for you.